Monday, February 24, 2014

frozen party

Maddie at 4. Favorite party moment: 11 little girls singing Let it Go in unison while they danced and twirled in their Elsa/Anna capes. Oh, the power of Disney.

A few pics from the party. Ld took some of the girls in their capes on the iPad. I'll have to post them later.

Entry way table.

Feed Sven Carrots. A game we didn't have time for.

Olaf out of poster board. We covered the china hutch with fabric my mother had. It's tricot and she used it in her quilt making phase. It has to be over 30 years old at least.

Icicles hung from the mantle.

Icicles everywhere.

Maddie insisted on placing the Frozen figures on the cake herself and wrecked a few snowflakes in the process. She stuck Hans in the back where he can't be seen, because she dislikes him.

Icicles made from plastic dollar store tablecloths.

Since Maddie is obsessed with Anna, an Arendelle castle. Elsa's castle in the background.

I should have made the plastic tablecloth icicles out of blue, they don't show up so well.

Some cardboard frozen trees.

There must have been at least 18 yards of that tricot fabric. Mother must be smiling down.

A view of Anna's Coronation dress. Maddie didn't want the one you see in the stores but insisted on the green Coronation one. I had her stand on a table and just started fitting and snipping fabric to her. She was thrilled with the result. Admittedly, this is a terrible picture. I'll have to post another maybe from my iPhone.

We played some Maddie inspired games and had a great time.  Even though I hate Disneyfied parties, I love this little 4 year old. It brings me joy to see her so happy.

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