Wednesday, October 31, 2012

tea with teddy

We fly out next week to celebrate Faye and Emer's birthday. Megs is busy planning a little lady and little man party. Can't wait.

ld and I bought them each a 'real' gift, but I like to stitch and glue a little something, too.

Guess what's in this bag?

Yup, Tea-to-go. Made from felt scraps and whatever I could find around the house. The bear is one of several my mother used to decorate her Christmas tree. I think she would approve of Teddy Beara re-locating to Wisconsin.

The hat I fashioned out of, you guessed it, cardboard and then covered it in fabric.

Hope Faye likes it. A lot of love with each imperfect stitch.

1 comment:

Dana said...

I remember those bears, I'm sure grandma is pleased. That tea set is adorable.

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