Saturday, May 28, 2011

1 Cor. 15:22

Yesterday was the funeral of one of our former BYU ward members. Maybe you read about it:

He was an amazing kid and it was a sad funeral. Due to unusual circumstances, Ld conducted the services held here in Utah. We were also responsible for providing the funeral dinner for 200 people. Two other sisters (amazing and wonderful women) and I shopped, cooked, served and cleaned up. I have never been more happy to help.

Elder Lund, representing the church and general authorities, spoke. So did Ld.

Hard to understand when a young missionary is taken. But, as ld said in his remarks,

...there is a special kind of strength that comes when grief is shared. And though deprived and separated for a season from Ben's physical presence, grief will not get the last word.

...there is is indeed strength and peace beyond our tears...

...and in the coming days and years as we move through life, we will feel the consolation of doctrine and of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has promised us that.

This sweet missionarys family is counting on that. We all are.

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