Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. --Mortimer J. Adler

Recommended. Read a while back. Joan Didion's Year of Magical Thinking and C.S. Lewis' A Grief Observed. Haven't read Joyce Carol Oates A Widow's Story yet. Hoping to soon. They all eloquently remind us that life includes heart wrenching loss. Yes, we will lose each other in the end, so maybe we should speak with more kindness, respect, civility, eh? Maybe make more happy memories, too.

Choose a few. This months reading choice for MoDa includes short stories. The Necklace as well as A Piece of String are probably familiar. Read them anyway. Let's discuss.

Find them here:
or here:

Liking this today as well:
“The poor and the affluent are not communicating because they do not have the same words. When we talk of the millions who are culturally deprived, we refer not to those who do not have access to good libraries and bookstores, or to museums and centers for the performing arts, but those deprived of the words with which everything else is built, the words that open doors. Children without words are licked before they start. The legion of the young wordless in urban and rural slums, eight to ten years old, do not know the meaning of hundreds of words which most middle-class people assume to be familiar to much younger children. Most of them have never seen their parents read a book or a magazine, or heard words used in other than rudimentary ways related to physical needs and functions. Thus is cultural fallout caused, the vicious circle of ignorance and poverty reinforced and perpetuated. Children deprived of words become school dropouts; dropouts deprived of hope behave delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble.” Peter S. Jennison

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