Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Because Penee requested the link

You should makes these. They make great gifts to give to grandkids and are inexpensive to put together. Moms will appreciate receiving these, as let’s face it they do not have the time to make anything beyond dinner.

Flannelboard stories. I love, love them. But they have always been way overpriced and kind of a pain to make. Not so now! I have been introduced to Sticky Felt and presto besto, flannelboard stories are now my latest obsession. You can find Sticky felt at Craft Stores or Wal-mart for about 97cents a sheet. Comes in colors, too. Very cool. You just cut out your paper figure (from anything, really. Magazine, die cut, or one you have drawn and colored yourself, whatev) and peel back the side of Sticky felt and attach. And then cut out. That’s it. No wrinkling of paper, no messy glue that never held anyway. Awesome.

Here are some delightful sites that have flannelboard stories you can just print out and color for the little kiddies in your life. Some you don’t even have to color, how cool is that?

Flannelboard story printables:
Most awesome site. With lots of flannelboard printables from favorite children’s books. I love this because you can print them out already colored or you can print them out in black and white. There are pages and pages so make sure you click on Next to see them all.
This is Pratt’s site, they have a flannelboard section as well with some good links, like Dltk’s. Click around.
Scroll all the way down for the printables.

This one is good, too:

Scripture flannelboard figures:
Okay, I’ve mentioned this site before in a previous post. Has the flannelboard figures from The Friend, and already colored, just print them out.

Some more:

As an added bonus, here’s a couple of online game sites for babies and toddlers. Because it’s never too soon to get them addicted to the internet. ☺

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