Saturday, July 26, 2008

in defense of pollyanna

I'm sure by now you have all heard of the poke fun blog called Seriously, So Blessed.

It's gotten some press lately as well being the talk on a lot of blogs. We all laugh at it and pronounce it spot on. It is painfully revealing.

A taste: "When I pack his lunch every day I make sure to cut the sandwiches diagonally because we call it "the love cut" so when he sees his sandwich cut that way, he knows I love him, and that's one way we don't let the sizzle fizzle."

Others have weighed in as well. Go see, if you haven't already.,5143,700244928,00.html

But! (and you knew there would be a but) I can't laugh too loud as I'm not so sure the young women they are poking fun of aren't so air heady and silly by nature as just really young (and maybe uneducated, dumb maybe). You really can't fault someone for their lack of life experience. And okay, okay, most of those 'young mormon blonde' blogs do suffer from really bad writing and lack of vocabulary (everything is sooo fun, the cutest, cool, neat) I still maintain it's the nature of the beast. Give them 20 years. They won't be writing the same stuff. In fact, don't be surprised if their catch phrase then becomes Seriously, So Bitter. Life will beat and shake them down soon enough. I say, let them be. Let them feel so blessed and pollyannaish. No one would read, (least not for long) a blog called Seriously, Everything Sucks. Not a good name for a blog and not a good theme for a life.

Time and events will temper all their 'blessedness' with some hard knock realities. I wouldn't take their smiley face posts away from them for anything.


Anonymous said...

You said everything I think about "brainwashed blonde drone mormon women" Can I really say that. I think I learned pretty early about the many "myths" perpetuated by the mormon culture. Thus my lack of enthusiasm for blogging.

BGomer said...

I agree with toots.

Megs said...

a healthy dose of optimism never hurt anyone... :)

lacy lee said...

I do love this blog. And I agree with you that time (and hopefully a little formal education) will root out all superfluous silliness and spelling errors.

A little satire always prompts some thought, which is always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

So are you tauking about my bloging skils? My blog refleks who i am, the some of all my parts. Shuld i be ofended?

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