Friday, April 4, 2008

code #231

Yesterday, on the drive down, I came upon a ponderable. No, it wasn’t the book I was reading (by Anne Lamott, btw) or the thought provoking scenery. No, this ponderable came as a result of an event. ld, for at least 45 minutes, kept trying to attach with his spit (that would be his unsanitary saliva, people!) this Global Positioning device thingy to the front windshield. And the dang thing kept falling. Down onto the dashboard. It would stick for a while and then kerplunk.

Now here’s the thing, the ponderable. We all know ld to be, umm, how shall I put it, a little less endowed with calm patience. Perseverant, yes. Very. But always patient, calm and soft spoken, umm, no. And yet there he was, serenely reapplying spit and patiently attempting to reattach the thing every time it fell. And nothing. No explosions or fits. Just, attach. Watch it fall. Reapply spit. Reattach. Watch it fall.

This to me was and is fascinating. What gives? Why in this instance the serene stick-to-it-ness? And I ask this, ld, because watching you do the same thing over and over and over again made me crazy. I wanted to take that little device and throw it out the window, such was my frustration er, annoyance. (This is why I gave you a lecture about falling into the same hole, remember?)

But you ld, you great fixer of all things and luv of my life, you kept on at it, until finally, (did I mention FINALLY!) you got it to stick. And we traveled on happily ever after.

So. After all this pondering and contemplation I can safely conclude (as I now have living proof ld) that you can change a lightbulb or fix the garbage disposal without any tantrums at all. Who knew? But now that I know, I’ll be holding you to a higher standard. From now on, say, when the front door won’t work (again!) or the windshield wipers on the car are kaput, or the oven won’t heat up, we can use a new code. (Heaven knows our relationship is all about codes.) I am excited about this code because it could really work for me in the future, ahem, not that I’m trying to rein you in, of course☺. Nothing like that. When something requires any kind of patience or doesn’t work or breaks I’m gonna simply and sweetly whisper, Spit on the GPS, dear and you’ll know what I mean.

Btw, could you fix the ring on my phone?


cs said...

ld, could you fix the spelling on the word perseverant? I can't get the edit thingy to work on this blog. Perseverant is spelled perseverant and not perserverant. thank you.

ld said...

What can I say? It must be the asperger's that I inherited from my Swedish ancestors.

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