Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Such Lovely Gifts

Yesterday, I received some really nice Christmas gifts.

From ld: a new iPod. The kind that shows movies. Now when I am standing in a long line, sitting in a boring meeting, or stopped at a red light I can pass the time productively by watching P&P.

From G.B.: A battery operated head comber thingy. It is heaven. It looks to be a bunch of wire coat hangers attached to a battery. You are skeptical, I know. I was too. But for all you Arnett’s who have paid your kids a quarter to brush your hair let me just say: You must get one of these.

Also from G.B: a powder blue vest. Which will become my new uniform until spring.

From our ‘lil missionary: A can of real maple syrup. From real maple trees in Canada. Oh, and we got to talk to her yesterday which was present enough. She is doing wonderfully well.

From Kenz and the Brig: A game about quotes. Where they found this little gem I don’t know, but finally a game where I can kick everyone’s hiney.

All of these gifts were given by people who not only love me but know me well, as their gift choices attest. Thank you ‘lil family. You are the best.

And as if all this Christmas wonderfulness weren’t enough, before I dropped off to sleep I came across a wonderful new book. Here’s a quote from it and a link. My Christmas present to you. Merry Christmas, er, Merry Day After.

From Extraordinary Resilience (Smithsonian, December 2006)

A resilient person is performing competently while in the midst of adversity or, more often, after the adversity. Many people who are exposed to severe adversity don't do very well in life, so these really are very important exceptions. People evolve to become resilient, and they get there in different ways.


lacy lee said...

Who's G.B.?

cs said...

gb stands for Good Boy (aka Jantzen), lovingly called that since he was little. But soon it will be changed to GM, since he got a book for Christmas entitled, "How to Mow the Lawn/The Lost Art of Being a Man"

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