Tuesday, February 14, 2012

roses are red, violets are blue. Dang I have cute grandkids.

Homemade Valentines for Maddie and Faye. Because they are such wild lil' monkeys and ld and I are bananas over them:)

Five little monkeys, Jumpin' on the bed
One fell off and broke his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed"!

Madds and Faye loved their monkeys and bed, only Maddie thought it was a bed for her. She hasn't quite caught the concept of proportional size.

And a Valentine for Miss Cate, too. When she sleeps over her favorite game to play is Mermaids and Sharks. She's got a whole narrative going. Basically it's trying to keep the mermaid ladies away from the sharks and other mean sea creatures and rescuing them onto the boat/couch. Great fun.

For Cate: an ocean full of love, then. Nothing fishy about it, she's a great catch. Brahahahaha.


Here's Emmer and Faye in all their chocolate glory. Adorable. I wish I could recline in a giant box of chocolates, too.

1 comment:

Fat panda said...

Those monkeys and mermaids are amazing. If I didn't see you making them I still think you bought them from store,hehe;)

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