Wednesday, April 6, 2011

random insightful nuggets

Liking this today. Especially points #3 and #5:

from 6 Easy–and Not So Easy–Pieces of Advice for Grad Students by Gina Barreca

#3. Almost indistinguishable from point number two, yet significantly different and perhaps even more important, is the need to remember that you cannot count on the praise of others to keep you going. Ever. You will almost never get it and when you do get it, you won’t get enough of it. And when you do get it, it won’t be the right kind. Also, it probably won’t be the right person saying it. Or it won’t be about the right thing. It simply doesn’t work that way: Outside affirmation is nice for elementary school children and 12-step programs, but that’s it. Other people are not going to spend their time telling you that you are doing a good job. Adults don’t do that for other adults. Adults know they are doing a good job when they are not being actively criticized.

and then this, too. Speaks to the dark side of wanting to do things perfectly:

#5. The perfect is the enemy of the good. You can rewrite, you can revise, you can refine, but the first thing you have to do is write. Of course what you write is going to be imperfect. ... Perfectionism isn’t cute, it isn’t helpful, and unless you’re a tailor, an eye surgeon, or part of a high-wire act (literally, not metaphorically) it’s not a useful trait.

1 comment:

lacy lee said...

Nice. This advice is reminiscent of Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet" I've been reading over the past few days. So I'll take this post as a sign.

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