Friday, October 1, 2010

the trick to remaining sane? being comfortable with irony and ambiguity. --cs

Thus, we need to develop the capacity to form judgments of our own about the value of ideas, opportunities, or people who may come into our lives. We will not always have the security of knowing whether a certain idea is “Church approved,” because new ideas do not always come along with little tags attached to them saying whether the Church has given them the stamp of approval.

Whether in the form of music, books, friends, or opportunities to serve, there is much that is “lovely, . . . of good report, and praiseworthy” that is not the subject of detailed discussion in Church manuals or courses of instruction. Those who will not risk exposure to experiences of life that are not obviously related to some well-known Church work or program will, I believe, live less abundant and meaningful lives than the Lord intends. We must develop sufficient independence of judgment and maturity of perspective that we are prepared to handle the shafts and whirlwinds of adversity and contradiction that are so likely to come along in our lives. When those times come, we cannot be living on borrowed light. We should not be deceived by the clear-cut labels some may use to describe circumstances that are, in fact, not so clear. Our encounters with reality and disappointment are in fact vital stages in the development of our maturity and understanding.

Yup. Two of the most difficult concepts we struggle with in life: Irony and Ambiguity. Elder Hafen does a great job addressing the latter and spiritual shallowness. Go read:
Love Is Not Blind: Some Thoughts for College Students on Faith and Ambiguity BRUCE C. HAFEN 9 January 1979

Let's Discuss.

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