Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a middle child has a birthday

It's not true what some social scientists say about the middle child. They are lost in the shuffle, unrecognized. Passed over. For this middle child, it's baloney. Although, okay, maybe a good case could be made after viewing the old movies posted on HB's blog. If Larry ever did strive for attention as evidenced by his attempts to scene steal, well, he outgrew it as an adult. Everyone in our fam recognizes his achievements, his good heart, his consistency, his steadiness, and his great example of so many things.

One thing special, and that continues to be, of the HMA and Ethel Rose family is that everyone was and is valued for their own unique self. Because of this I have never been anything but proud to be the sister of such a great brother and man. Happy Birthday, Larry Dee. Love you.


Megs said...

uncle larry, i can totally relate to the middle child thing. ;0) happy happy birthday!! hope it's a great one!

Anonymous said...

Where' the photo of Larry on a log in the middle of the lagoon with a beard and shirtless? Now, that's my kind of mission. Isn't that the one that made mother cry for two weeks? She wasn't aware that Larry was taking a bath in the Lagoon and that he was serving of the coast of Central America with the Indians. Come to think of it, when I saw those pictures I decided to go on a mission. I thought, man, I can do that. Mine, didn't quite the same way his did, or HB's, or Cliff's for that matter. Mine was a lot harder than theirs. I played in a rock and roll band and toured all of Western Australia for 6 months. Man those were tough times. Still no Gilligan's Island for me, though.

Devry said...

Great post Candy! And I love the picture...I'm saving it to my computer asap.

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