Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chillin’ with my home girls on a Saturday night

Megs, Kenz and Cate joined me at my Stake Center for a pre RS broadcast dinner put on by our Stake. That alone would make for a great evening, you know, hanging with my homies. As an added bonus, the talks were terrific, too.

If you didn’t catch President Uchtdorf’s talk last night at the RS Broadcast you can listen to it here:

You won’t want to miss it. Oh. My. As I listened to this spectacular talk, I thought, “Yes, yes. This is exactly spot on. This is the key to so many ‘self esteem issues, low spirits, feelings of inadequacy, etc” that so many women face. I hung on every word as it reconfirmed to me my thoughts and feelings about creativity + compassion = happiness. A remarkable talk and one that touched and resonated with a lot of women, as evidence by all the blog chatter. I can’t think of a talk that I have loved as much as this. Maybe that’s because I had spent the day before carving up a big cardboard box and fashioning it into a puppet theater and crafting a Peek a Boo Panda out of scraps of felt. President Uchtdorf, with his talk, just clarified for me why I am so happy when I do this. Creativity is innate. God creates. It’s essential to our soul’s happiness. This explains and justifies my blogging, Megs penchant for all things crafty and Kenz’s current ‘let’s make a wedding cake’ whim. Heavenly Father ‘gets’ me. He ‘gets’ all of us. And finally someone, as in His servant, put it into words.


lacy lee said...

I adored this talk as well. Also, as a side note, I rented and watched "Wit," and it was (as you said it would be) phenomenal. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of getting things. Go to the RS/Priesthood manual lesson 17 and explain the Joseph Smith quotes to me on creation. I'd like to hear your opinions. Since my resident gospel scholar has long since departed to the other side of the veil (meaning Ethel), I'll settle for the next best thing, her well versed daughter. Tell me what you think. I know Ethel could "splain" it to me but I need help in getting it. jla

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