Friday, May 23, 2008

Announcing New Blog

In light of my recent desire to update the Arnett Family Cookbook, a new idea came to me while soaking in the tub this morning. It’s this: I am starting a new Cooking/Recipe blog for all Arnett wimmens, (and menfolk too, if they care to participate) called The Humble Pie (as this is the year I am renouncing my A.S.S.dom )

As soon as I get my technical advisor (um, that would be ld) to help me figure out how to let everyone post on it, I will be launching it by this weekend. I can’t wait. There are so many great cooks in this family, and it will be fun to share. What think ye?

The only criteria to submitting recipes is that you have to be an Arnett, or descended from one, or married to one, or related to someone who knows an Arnett, or a friend of a friend of an Arnett, blah blah blah. You get the idea.

Arnett Wimmens Unite! Bust out those fav recipes.


Megs said...

Count me and my MAD cooking skills (or lack there-of) IN! I'm excited!! All ya others best be posting cause I be needing lots o lots of recipe ideas! ;)

wendy said...

I am so excited! Where do we sign up?

Devry said...

i'm in!

ld said...

It's up and running: The Humble Pie. Email cs or ld to become a contributor.

ld said...

You can click on the cs or ld above and it will email one of us.

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