Friday, February 29, 2008

Pre example, er, I mean pre eclampsia

So. I am holed up in Kenzie’s apartment typing on her bed. She is gently snoring her kitty cat purr on the other side. I am here doing the care taking thing as Kenz has pre eclampsia (toxemia) as diagnosed last night from her little late night run to the hospital. Yup. After the usual tests and another trip to see her ob/gyn this morning it was confirmed and she was ordered to bed. She can get up to go the bathroom and that’s it. Surprisingly, I am not overly alarmed. It is a relief that her doctor is aware and will monitor her closely (unlike my first pregnancy where I just ‘fell through the cracks’).

Her baby measures a little small and the doctor would like to buy some time for her and if her blood pressure and other symptoms can remain stable then so much the better. If not, then they will induce her Monday, or maybe Thursday. She is 37 weeks and the baby should do fine. Still, send up a prayer her way, will ‘ya friends and fam?

Even though the situation is a little stressful for Kenz I am happy to be hanging out with her. Yesterday was a very emotional and tiring day as we buried a dear friend and member of our ward. After all the funeral dinner clean up, I finally made it down to Provo to check on Kenz. She wasn't doing so well and when Brig got home later that night he took her to the hospital. In the middle of the night I get this text:

Brig:They are saying that 'lil munchkin has pre example or something.

That brought a smile to my face.

Things are looking up today and it's a comfort to know that there is a 'game plan' for her delivery. Banana flavored laffy taffy's are also comforting and I'm afraid I've eaten almost all the bag by the side of Kenzie's bed. (Sorry Brig, Kenz said I could:)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Sorry to hear about Kenz. I know everything will be alright and what a fun excuse to have massive amounts of female bonding time. Just get Megs over there and the fun can begin!

Love all of you and I'll be praying for Kenz and Kate.


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