Friday, February 1, 2008

Done Is Better Than Perfect

I am holed up in my bedroom trying to finish a project on my lap top that I should have completed back in early January. I am a procrastinator of the first order. This is because I always have such high expectations and make thinking about doing a job so much more difficult than actually just doing it. Why, oh why do I do this?

After surfing and visiting many psychology sites on the net I have learned so much. Helpful insight really, stuff like my energy sensor is not in perfect alignment. For you non new agey folk that means my mind is such a twisted mess of barbed wire, er, neural connections that I have formed coping patterns that allow me to escape the pain of doing something I don’t really wanna do. And this is all because my parents pinned my diapers on too tight when I was small. As a result there really is no hope for me because I also suffer from menopausal crapola and get too pooped just thinking about bending over to pick up a dropped pen.

Sadly, the cure for overcoming my condition isn’t looking real good, as this Psychology Today article offers not a whole lot of solace.

"Procrastinators can change their behavior — but doing so consumes a lot of psychic energy. And it doesn’t necessarily mean one feels transformed internally. It can be done with highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy."

Highly cognitive behavioral therapy? Oh, man. I haven’t got time for all that and cognating and cognivitation gives me a headache like no other.

So, nobody bother me as I buckle down and finish my Society of Relief Planning Guide for the Year. The one that was supposed to be finished by January 1 and with cute little clip art.

I’ve decided to just DO IT. And I’m doin’ it NOW.

1 comment:

Megs said...

So that's why you won't answer my texts....Hmm..

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