Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Variation on the Classic Mud Pie

Today, I came across the coolest thing. I was researching about women who crave dirt (no, I’m not admitting nothin', it’s none of your biz wax) and stumbled across this:

and this

Turns out in Japan, turning mud into these shiny works of art is a major pastime among schoolchildren right now.

Is that not the coolest thing? If I wasn’t so busy with the Society of Relief and the wedding and teaching piano and finishing my Russian novel and fixing dinner I would so do this. Like right this minute.

And no, ld, that little baggie of dirt by the side of my bed is not the start of trouble. It's not. Really.


ld said...

Word on the street (and from cs) is that the best "mud" comes from Alburquque…FSIL II, you now know what to get your FMIL for Christmas. Lucky you!

cs said...

okay, help someone. tell ld how to spell al-buh-kirk-key as he won't believe me.

ld said...

Okay, okay…I'll spell it like you do N-E-W M-E-X-I-C-O!

ld said...

er, I left out — Albuquerque. Genius!

Anonymous said...

I know why you are interested in eating dirt. It's an Arnett dirty little secret that we come by honestly....through heredity. Go ahead and tell the masses, I was told many, many years ago.

cs said...

jla, to what family secret are you referring as i'm not pregnant. and why have you not been blogging for the past month? have you taken up gambling or become a monk or something? seriously. post something, we're all getting bugged.

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