Friday, June 29, 2007

Fish Tales and a Bed of Nails

I have a big day planned. So much I gotta do.

Tomorrow we are having a garage sale, so there’s that. And then I have a bunch of Society of Relief stuff I need to do, like teach Sunday and go over vt changes, and then fix dinner and then take dinner in. There’s also a bunch of phone calls I need to make and a couple of emails as well. Oh, and Lex comes for her piano lesson at 3:00. And then there’s the mothering thing, being nurturing and all that. You can see I have a full day.

Any one of these things on my list is enough to keep me hoppin’. But here I sit. I can’t move on account of catfish and carp.

Yesterday, I read this interesting news story about this catfish in Australia that tried to swallow a basketball. No, I am not making this up. There was even a picture of it.

Fascinating. So fascinating in fact that I shared this info with my FSIL.

Can you believe that, I say. Who knew there could be catfish big enough to swallow a basketball?

But my FSIL is not surpised or amazed at this news story. Because he is a water person and wakeboards and sky skis and stuff I listen as he proceeds to calmly explain that yes indeed, fish can be that big. My wise and oh so truthful son-in-law went on to explain in solemn detail about the amazing catfish and carp lurking at the bottom of Lake Powell. How they grow to incredible size, as big as boats in some cases, and eat people. Only not to worry they don’t eat people who are alive, like in the movie Jaws, but only eat up the ones who have drowned. That is why their bodies are never recovered.

That can’t be true, I say.

But my FSIL is calmly yet resolutely adamant.

True. All of it, he says.

And because I have such confidence and trust in my FSIL and know he would never, ever, like flat out lie to me, I believe this.

Who knew and why did I never know this? I mean this is vital info to know, as in if I had known this earlier I would not have gone boating with you on Tuesday. Sheesh, FSIL.

The relevance of all this newly discovered information is that I have been googling and surfing the ‘net to learn more about his claims. Because knowing the potential size of catfish and carp is a higher priority right now than my garage sale or my ministering in the Society of Relief. Or brushing my teeth.

Anyway, I found some fascinating stuff but as always is the case I found something even more fascinating along the way—a new website to love, called How Stuff Works.

I have spent the last few minutes learning how it is possible for a person to endure a bed of nails.

Oh. And my FSIL. He told me a big whiffee. Shocker, I know. Which just goes to show why I had to google him originally.


ld said...

Thanks so much for sharing the new website. Now, I have FOUND the answer to that all elusive question that every man asks.

Anonymous said...

While your think your FSIL has told you a whiffee, (incidentally, for a while I thought that meant Future Son in law...sorry Megs), he really hasn't. I have proof of a 55lb. catfish that was caught on the Colorado River. In fact, you know the guy that caught him. I have a picture of the "Moby" himself. I'll post it on my blog sometime later. I saw it and handled it myself. Unfortunately, I wasn't the one who caught it. It was one of the Slater boys. He had to use a huge chain for a stringer. True story. He caught it just south of the I-10 bridge on the Ehrenberg side. There were a set of twin children inside its stomach. Okay that parts not true, but it could easily swallow a human.

Chea said...

I thought Lance was the one with all the extra time to surf. It turns out it is you who discovered this oh so revelant sight.
you amaze me

wendy said...

this makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one who has plenty of other things to do yet we are drawn to sit and surf.

cathy said...

Wow. I love yhis. I never knew a family had so much in common and just thru modern technology we have found this bond.

Anonymous said...

New post please.

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