Thursday, April 12, 2007

News Flash: New Movie to Love

There’s a line in the movie Finding Forrester where Forrester tells Jamal ‘the key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time’.

ld proved this to be true as he surprised me last week with Elizabeth Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters on DVD. Included in the package was a copy of North and South, by the same author. Ld scored big points for this as I have wanted to see this movie, that is North and South, for a long, long time. Oh my. Ladies! You must see this. It is right up there with P & P. In fact, I’m going to be so bold as to pronounce it part of the family movie canon.

So revise your list, girlies. It should now look like this:

1) A & E’s 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice. This goes without saying. Darcy is a yum. No true A.S.S female can claim herself worthy of the name if she hasn’t seen this multiple times and can quote dialogue from it in daily conversation. As Lindsay says, ‘we should all liken P & P unto ourselves’.

2) North and South by the BBC. It’s 4 hours long and simply splendid. Notice what number it occupies on the list. English accents, richly drawn characters and dark and scowling Mr. Thornton. Despite John’s best efforts he can’t overcome his love for the fiesty, spirited Margaret Hale. Ah, and something else: running all through it is Elizabeth’s wry societal observation and the need for social change. Great stuff.

3) Strictly Ballroom. Ken Railings. ‘Son, can I bend your ear a tick?’. Pan Pacific Grand Prix Championships, ‘a life lived in fear’, Tina Sparkle, blah blah gotta love it.

4) Emma (the Gwyneth Paltrow version is okay but I prefer the Kate Beckingsale version)

Those are the top 4 and pretty much the essential movies if you are going to thrive in any female Arnett conversation. Which prompts me to suggest that our upcoming reunion be theme based. Forget Lake Powell, forget the Shakespeare festival. Can we not all participate in a re-enactment of one of these stories? And if not a reunion, then how about an afternoon tea? Give it some serious thought.

As Caroline Bingley would say, “let me encourage you to pay heed to all my assertions”. North and South. See this movie now. I own a copy. BE VERY JEALOUS.


lacy lee said...

I plan on immediately going out to rent a copy of this film. However, I'm a little surprised that Emma made it over Persuasion (which didn't make it at all??)

ld said...

What! No Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!

…Why do you love me? Why do you need me? Always and forever... We met in a chatroom, now our love can fully bloom... Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make me salivate... I love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But I STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need me? Why do you love me? Always and forever...

cs said...

lacy lee, you are right. Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre (the one with Susannah Morton and Ciaran Hines) and A & E's Ivanhoe all are canonized. Oh, and Lorna Doone. Who has my copy anyway? I forgot who I loaned it to.

cs said...

There are two films called North and South. I'm talking about the one with Richard Armitage and written by Elizabeth Gaskell and produced by the BBC. I think it was released in 2004.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this! The original P&P is the only true P&P and the original Jane Fontaine/Orson Wells is the only true Jane Ayre. And while we are talking great movies...the greatest of all is..........."A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", the original black and white version of course. Followed by Horatio Hornblower on A&E and then the first season of Star Trek: the next generation. Although, I must admit, "The Office" is really funny. Where else can you kill yourself pretending to kill yourself.

Okay, I feel better now that I've bebunked all this favorite movie stuff. I'm feeling very gruntled.

Devry said...

All the ladies in my old office use to talk about "North and South." I always meant to borrow it from one of the girls, but never got around to it. I'll have to go rent it this weekend and watch it during my last free week.

Devry said...

I went looking for North & South today but couldn't find a copy. Best Buy was sold out but I'll just order it on Amazon. I can't wait.

ld said...

Cheapest value @

Anonymous said...

What about the book club? when are you going to introduce that?

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